Every vocal student learns in a different way. Some are very logical. Explain to them how the mechanism works…they get that, and quickly start to work on how to manipulate it.

Others are visual and imaginative. They cannot connect to the “nuts and bolts” explanation, but give them a certain thought or visualization and they can take off with that and begin to feel what is happening in their throat.

Most students are a combination of the above, in varying degrees. That’s why it is so important to find out what that individual needs. If a student is really serious about improving their voice, they need guidance.



There is a lot of good information out there in books and vocal method programs. Good ‘basic’ technique doesn’t have huge variance. Students need someone to ensure they are doing the techniques correctly. Someone to help them connect those techniques to their singing, their style, their expression.

Technique is for the singer. It is there to help them get the most out of their voice, so that their voice will do what they want it to do, when they need it. A friend and mentor said “no one is going to give you a dime for your vocal technique”, and he is right. It’s what is done with it, how it’s used to COMMUNICATE expression that counts. However, if the voice won’t do what the singer wants it to do, they won’t be able to do that effectively.


Finding an instructor

Finding the right vocal instructor, one that the student can understand and who meshes with them and their learning personality is very important.

They aren’t likely to learn from someone they can’t relate to or respect. Take the time to find the right instructor.

If the student cannot connect with the instructor, no matter how “famous” or respected they are, they should find someone else.

Lastly, the singer must put in the time. There is no magic wand. There is NOTHING any instructor can tell a student that will “magically” work if you they don’t practice.

Giving students exercises that address specific problems is important, and giving them things to do that relate to the music they are going to be singing, helps ensure they see the value in the exercises and will do the work.

Vocal lessons

Tracee teaches at the University of Oslo (UiO) and privately.

Private lessons with Tracee  strive to get the most out of the student’s voice while maintaining their unique sound and flavor. Lessons are tailored to the individual student’s time constraints, learning style and practice schedule.

A free consultation is available to potential students wishing to study privately with Tracee. The consultation is to determine what it is the students need to work on, and if Tracee is the right instructor to meet the student’s needs.

To inquire for, or book a consultation, please use the contact form.